Глобаль сангийн Үндэсний зохицуулах зөвлөлийн ажлын албанд “Ерөнхий хяналт хариуцсан мэргэжилтэн” сонгон шалгаруулж авна.

Глобаль сангийн Үндэсний зохицуулах зөвлөлийн ажлын албанд “Ерөнхий хяналт хариуцсан мэргэжилтэн” сонгон шалгаруулж авна.



The Global Fund to fight against AIDS, TB and malaria is an international organization that mobilizes and invests resources to support programs run by local experts in more than 129 countries including Mongolia. Each country has the Country Coordinating Mechanism /CCM/, a national committee that consists of representatives of all sectors involved in the response to the diseases, submits funding applications to the Global Fund on behalf of the country. One of the main responsibilities of the CCM is to oversee the implementation of approved grants, focusing on the essential financial, programmatic and management aspects of the grant portfolio. CCMs operate effectively through Secretariat that has an administrative function and supports the execution of decisions made by the CCM.

CCM Secretariat Mongolia seeks Oversight officer to work on full time basis for two year period.


Description of duties

Global Fund supported interventions contribute to the broader national health response through an enhanced use of strategic information and a risk management approach. The CCM Secretariat (particularly through the oversight officer) plays a key support role for this function, which ranges from facilitating logistical arrangements and coordination with the oversight committee to information synthesis and analysis.


Objectives of the position

  • Facilitate and support analytical data-driven discussions and decision-making;
  • Provide support to oversight planning and implementation;
  • Provide technical and administrative support to the CCM oversight committee.


Qualifications required

  • Bachelor’s degree required, with social science, public health, population studies orientation highly desirable and advanced degree preferred.
  • At least 3 years of experience in monitoring & evaluation or oversight of projects/programs.
  • Experience in project-level or state/national-level monitoring and evaluation system implementation.
  • Familiarity with the Global Fund CCM Policy and Oversight Function is desirable.
  • In transition preparedness settings: familiarity with Global Fund transition-related processes and the

Global Fund’s sustainability, transition and co-financing guidance (desirable).

  • Familiarity with the country’s health system structures.
  • Familiarity with epidemiologic indicators for HIV, TB and malaria and financial indicators.
  • Experience working in a multi-stakeholder governance environment.



  • Proficiency in data collection, triangulation and information analysis from different sources;
  • Policy decision-support, strategic analysis and reporting;
  • Proficiency in the synthesis of financial, programmatic and management information;
  • High proficiency in English is required;
  • Proficiency in the use of Microsoft Office, particularly Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Project;
  • Ability to work effectively with staff and organizational stakeholders;
  • Strong inter-personal skills and proven ability to communicate and interact with high-level officials from the government, NGOs, UN agencies and the private sector;
  • Strong writing, presentation, facilitation and communication skills;
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, set priorities and work independently as well as part of a team.

Interested candidates, please submit:

  • Resume or curriculum vitae;
  • Cover letter.


All documents must be submitted to secretariat@ccm.mn

No application would be considered after the deadline of 31 August 2024.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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